English Learner Programming
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  • Writer's pictureDr. Weston Johnson

English Learner Programming

The Goodhue County Education District is proud of the English Learner (EL) teaching staff, Cultural Liaison, and support staff who support our multilingual students. The EL team does an awesome job of showing up every day ready to pour their expertise and passion into the relationships they have with their students and with their building colleagues.

The responsibility of ensuring all of our students – including multilingual students – is a shared one among our schools and districts. This is especially important for our multilingual students, as they need to not only learn academic knowledge and skills, they also need to engage in language acquisition. This is no easy task and it truly takes a team to make it happen. Thank you to the teachers, administrators, and support staff who partner with our students, families, and EL teachers to provide a safe, welcoming, and encouraging environment for learning.

It will be important for GCED and its member districts and stakeholders to continue to provide as much support as possible to students who are learning the English language and, especially, those recently arrived in the United States. As you can see from the data below, the need for inclusive and partnership-based programming is as high as ever.

One last note – making information accessible to multilingual families is a federally-protected right. We need to continue to make strides in ensuring that written and verbal communication that is offered to English-speaking students and families is also made accessible to our multilingual families.

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