Remote Learning Resources
The State Department of Education has issued planning documents for school districts related to learning this fall; see below.
Schools are expected to plan for three options--school in session, distance learning, and a hybrid that could include up to 50% of students at a given time being in the buildings while the remaining students are distance learning. All Minnesota schools are expected to be ready to switch between these three options at any time during the school year depending on local and state conditions.
In addition to this, the district will also "offer distance learning to enrolled students who may be medically vulnerable or otherwise unwilling to return to in-person or hybrid learning."
Because of our work over this spring, we are confident in our preparation so far for the fall. We will continue to develop and refine our plans, communicate with parents, discuss at board meetings, and monitor additional guidance from the State that will be issued no later than the week of July 27th.
We appreciate the feedback that you have given to us and want to make certain that you have opportunities to provide more input. Could you help us with your feedback in one or both of the following ways?
1. Click here to Complete an Online Survey for Parents, Students, and Staff Members
2. Register here for a Parent Listening Session
This feedback helps us as we make plans for this fall and how to best support our students. We know this has been a difficult time for many of our families. Together, we can determine how to best serve all individuals.
Cherie Johnson, Executive Director
Parents - first things first.
Responding to COVID-19​
NASP: Talking to Children About COVID-19 - A Parent Resource
Why Can't I Go to School? A free social story available to download
Transition Resources from PACER
Starting in 9th grade, or sooner if appropriate, Minnesota students on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) are included in IEP discussions when transition planning is discussed. With funding in part from the Minnesota Department of Education, PACER continues to provide information and support related to the topic of transition to parents and transition-age youth, including:
Distance Learning and Your Child with Disabilities, Tips for Families.
Distance Learning and Your Child’s IEP: Consideration of Related Services.
Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellness During the COVID-19 Outbreak.
Translated Distance Learning resources in Spanish, Hmong and Somali.
Resources for Students and Young Adults
PACER’s website for transition-age youth, Transitioning to Life after High School, provides information and videos on the following topics: Training/College Opportunities, Employment Stories, Independent Living, Assistive Technology, Advocating for Myself, Get Involved, Get Connected and My Disability Rights.
PACER’s Students and Young Adults webpage ( includes other topics for youth, including Youth Workshops – Tech for Teens, Summer Recreation, Sports and Camps, and Publications and Downloads.
Resources for Parents and Guardians
Parent Special Education Information includes information on the Special Education process, Improving Communication with school staff and School Discipline.
Free online trainings for parents and students.
Publications that can be downloaded or mailed.
PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment includes additional parent resources/videos including Middle and High School Transition Planning, Postsecondary Education,  Employment and Benefit Programs and Supports. To receive up-to-date information and resources, sign up for the Inspiring Possibilities Newsletter.
PACER’s free transition workshops for parents and youth.
See PACESETTER newsletter or visit
‘Appy Hour : Apps to Help Young Adults with Disabilities Learn About and Manage Their Money, July 8, 2020.
Math Tech: Tools to Support Secondary Students, July 15, 2020.
Transition to Employment: Tools to Help You Find a Job, July 30, 2020.
Assistive Technology to Increase Independence for Young Adults with Disabilities, September 30, 2020.
Information and support for parents and transition-age youth can be provided by emailing or by phone at 952-838-9000 or 800-537-2237.
​ASD/DCD Specific Resources​
Assistive Technology Specific Resources​
​Education Resources for Students/Parents/Educators
​Amazing Educational Resources - Free online resources; check back because more resources are being added as companies offer freebies to help out during this time.
Kelly Gallagher: Building Deeper Readers & Writers (Secondary resource)
Online Concerts by Dave Ruch - Free during Distance Learning
Special Needs for Special Kids - Remote learning modules for our students with moderate and severe disabilities.
Zoom for Educators​ ​​
Social Emotional Learning Resources
Building Developmental Relationships During the COVID-19 Crisis, An Educator Checklist from the Search Institute
Go Strengths​
Overcoming Obstacles with Students Age 8-12 Years of Age-English
Overcoming Obstacles with Students Age 13+ Years of Age​-English
Overcoming Obstacles with Students Age 8-12 Years of Age-Spanish
Overcoming Obstacles with Students Age 13+ Years of Age-Spanish
The Pathway to Success​
Story Time Options!
Students, read to your family members. Parents, read to your kids.