2021-2022 School Planning Documents
The State Department of Education has issued planning documents for school districts related to learning for the 2020-2021 school year. Their guidance, along with guidance from the MN Department of Health, has informed our learning plan and its evolution this year.
Schools are expected to plan for three options--school in session, distance learning, and a hybrid that could include up to 50% of students at a given time being in the buildings while the remaining students are distance learning. All Minnesota schools are expected to be ready to switch between these three options at any time during the school year depending on local and state conditions.
In addition to this, the district will also "offer distance learning to enrolled students who may be medically vulnerable or otherwise unwilling to return to in-person or hybrid learning."
Please see documents to the right and contact our office if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
Cherie Johnson, Executive Director
GCED COVID-19 Student and Family Guidelines
GCED Screening and Procedures for Individuals Exhibiting Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19
MN Department of Education COVID-19 Updates
2021-2022 Planning Guide for Schools; MN Department of Health
MN Department of Health's Decision Tree for People with COVID-19 Symptoms
Parent Resources
Tip Sheets for Parents for Learning at Home
Create a Distraction Free Workplace
Establish Structured Schedules
Communicating with your Children​
Helping Children Cope with Emergencies
Help Your Child: Autism Routine Disruption
How to Talk about the Coronavirus With Kids
Just for Kids Comic Exploring the Coronavirus
​NAMI Support and Info on COVID-19
NASP: Talking to Children About COVID-19 - A Parent Resource
Why Can't I Go to School? (a social story)